This modern house redesigned by Indian architecture offices Rajiv Saini & Associates in Hyderabad, India. The additional rooms got cantilevered over existing structure for example the copper clad gym overlooking the front garden is a newly added cantilevered steel structure,as are the guest rooms and the steel and glass study attached to the master suite, redundant spaces got axed / demolished.
New spaces were created wherever possible such the new dining room was created by enclosing a part of the rear garden,the grand spiral marble staircase fell a victim to the reorganizing,replaced instead by a sleek metal and stone one, in a different part of the house. The 10? diameter hole left in the sloping slab as a result of this got transformed into a skylight, and the roof got sheathed in a layer of black slate.
The owner had expressed their preferred palette of materials- adding to that further,we worked with a range of materials such as grey granite,silver-grey travertine,white marble ,blonde woods, steel and glass,to create a bespoke house that imparted a ‘fresh’ and ‘cool’ feel. The large garden too underwent a complete make over with the addition of a new pool and a pavilion with it. + Images by Sebastian Zachari